A website with a series of activities about non-verbal communication for learners. 

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A learning object (2008) that introduces practice educators to key concepts and theories relating to communication within the contexts of education, health and social services. On the Iriss (Institute for Research and Innovation in the Social Services) website . Includes reading and audiovisual content. Very helpful for Practice Learning Qualification candidates for whom this resource was originally designed.

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Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS) is a gateway to a wealth of information and learning materials designed to support practitioners with a wide range of learning needs.

What's in SSKS for me?

@ ssks_online


There are thousands of resources…

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An activity from Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow's 2005 book, 'Modern Social Work Practice' that helps learners evaluate their practice with service users and carers.

Hosted on the Iriss Learning Exchange

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Podcast in which Vivienne Cree discusses integrating learning for practice in social work education. Hosted by Iriss (Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services)

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A podcast on the Iriss website that analyses barriers to integrating theory and practice and proposes a model for capturing 'practice wisdom' in a systemic way.

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A model to help learners reflect on practice development and identify ways of achieving conscious competence in their practice.

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A curated collection of resources about a range of topics (e.g. child protection, dementia) on the Iriss (Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services) website.

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Iriss (Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services) toolkit to help assess evidence for practice.

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Social Work Integrated Supervision Support (SWISS) website, developed by Queensland University in Australia is an innovative interactive multimedia resource for practice educators. Note that some of the information provided may be specific to Australia.

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