
Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS) is a gateway to a wealth of information and learning materials designed to support practitioners with a wide range of learning needs.

What's in SSKS for me?

@ ssks_online


There are thousands of resources accessible at SSKS without a password. Resources are held from the Scottish Government, IRISS, SSSC and organisations like Alzheimer Scotland and Alcohol Concern: all freely available in one place without a password.

For licensing reasons however, some materials (particularly e-journal and e-books) require a password. This is called an Athens password. It is completely free and very easy to apply for.

All social services staff employed in Scotland are eligible for an Athens password, as are those in local authorities and third and independent sector organisations. Complete this quick online form and your login details will arrive within a couple of days.

If you have any difficulty with your application, you canĀ find help by emailing