PDAPL Assessor Role

PDAPL assessors are typically nominated by employers and agreed by Learning Network West for the PDAPL programme in the West of Scotland. The following provides guidance on the qualifications and experience required to undertake the assessor’s role.

If you would like further information on how to become an Assessor please contact dayna.mehrdad@westlearn.org.uk.  The information regarding the role is provided on this page.

Assessor Standardisation Meetings:

  • TBC

IV Standardisation Meetings:

  • TBC

Essential Qualifications

One of the following:

  • Degree in Social Work
  • DipSW
  • CQSW
  • CSS
  • SVQ Care 4
  • Degree in Community Education
  • Allied Health Professional qualification RGN
  • RMN (or other relevant nursing qualification)
  • Day Care of Children Award (level 10)
  • Teaching qualification or other relevant qualification to be agreed via SQA

And any of the above plus

  • An Award or evidence of substantial training which centrally focuses on the facilitation and assessment of learning at SCQF level 10 or above (e.g. Practice Teaching Award/Training programme, SVQ Learning and Development 4)
  • Registration with, or eligibility to be registered with, a Professional Body

Essential Experience

  • A minimum of 2 years’ experience in a social services setting
  • Evidence of competence in providing supervision in a relevant professional context
  • Knowledge and understanding of the PDAPL standards
  • Knowledge of the standards on which the learner is being assessed [eg Standards in Social Work Education (SiSWE)]
  • Experience of working within the SSSC Codes of Practice
  • Experience of supporting learning and development in the workplace

To support assessors into the role there is a requirement to attend an assessor briefing (see below for details), following which assessors will be required to complete registration and CPL forms (detailing relevant experience, knowledge, qualification etc.).

As a further ongoing support to assessors and to ensure consistency of assessment we request that all assessors attend a minimum of two standardisation events a year (we currently run events approx.10 times a year), dates for forthcoming meetings can be found here.

Approx Time Commitment

  • Meet face to face with a learner for a minimum of 1.5 hours a month for professional supervision (the award takes learners approx. 1 year to complete).
  • Assess and provide written feedback on the learner’s portfolio (12 pieces of evidence – roughly one a month).
  • Undertake a minimum of 2 observations of learner practice.
  • Attend and assess learner viva (final assessable task).
  • Attend a minimum of 2 standardisation events a year.
  • Provide an annual record of relevant CPL.
  • Additional support for the learner may be required, e.g. if working with a struggling student.

Assessor Briefings

All new assessors are required to attend a briefing in preparation for undertaking the role. These events are open to both prospective assessors (those new to the role) and assessors who have been inactive and wish to return to the role. Briefings support assessors to familiarise themselves with the assessor role, course materials and PDAPL portfolio. If you would like to attend one of these events yourself then please contact dayna.mehrdad@westlearn.org.uk to reserve a place. Briefings are offered in advance of each cohort dependent upon demand.

Portfolio Briefings

Portfolio briefings are offered as a support for assessors in preparation for assessing learner’s work (and count towards assessor CPL for registration purposes). Each briefing precedes submission dates for assessed work and offers assessors opportunity to familiarise themselves with specific evidence requirements, to review examples and as peer support to meet and share learning. Portfolio briefings run alongside each Cohort where there is demand, dates will be communicated to new assessors at the point of registration. Portfolio briefings are available to all assessors and made available free of charge. If you would like to attend a briefing please contact dayna.mehrdad@westlearn.org.uk to reserve a space.

Assessor Registration Steps

Current Assessor

  1. Complete registration and provide copy of CPD
  2. Appointed as assessor by Learning Network West

New Assessor/Inactive Assessor

  1. Provide evidence of relevant qualification, experience, knowledge
  2. Attend assessor briefing
  3. Complete registration and provide copy of CPD
  4. Appointed as assessor by Learning Network West