Talking and Listening to Children

This is a four nation UK research project funded by the ESRC that explores how social workers communicate with children in their everyday practice and how social workers and children involved in these encounters experience and understand them.

The TLC materials are designed to support a range of professionals in the social work arena. Each phase has its own web page where materials can be viewed online or downloaded, along with other relevant materials and links for you to explore.

ALPS Assessment Tools

ALPS is the Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings, Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

This is a suite of generic assessment tools for use in practice. The formative assessment tools were mapped to three identified Common Competences; Communication, Team Working and Ethical Practice.

Leading change in supervision: Messages from practice

Report by Iriss describing the rationale, process and learning from a project which explored the topic of supervision. The purpose of this report is to share the learning gathered through the project to provide some evidence, inspiration, and pointers for those interested in improving supervision. Key points from the report can be used to prompt reflection and discussion with teams, to review current supervision practice and to help plan improvements.

Facilitation Resources

This rich set of links to Facilitation Resources has been compiled by Chris Corrigan. It is not aimed at social work, but many of the resources will be useful for practice educators.

By and large these resources support facilitation of participatory and self-organizing process at scales ranging from very small groups to large conferences.