Leading change in supervision: Messages from practice

Report by Iriss describing the rationale, process and learning from a project which explored the topic of supervision. The purpose of this report is to share the learning gathered through the project to provide some evidence, inspiration, and pointers for those interested in improving supervision. Key points from the report can be used to prompt reflection and discussion with teams, to review current supervision practice and to help plan improvements.

Lifting the Lid: Perspectives on and Activity within Student Supervision

Practice teaching is central to social work education. Significant changes have occurred in the past 10 years affecting social work education in Scotland. This article reports on the findings of a small-scale study involving the audio recording of supervision sessions and the interviewing of students and practice teachers engaged in a 65-day assessed placement.

Effective Supervision in Social Work and Social Care

Research briefing from the Social Care Institute for Excellence summarising evidence base for good practice in supervision.

Note that some references are to England and Wales only.

This resource, by John Carpenter, Caroline Webb, Lisa Bostock and Caroline Coomber,  is on the SCIE website for which you need to create a user name and password. There is no cost to accessing the article.