The Social Work Social Media App

This app offers you an amazing way to explore some of the ethical issues of using social media in social work.

In the app you will meet a Team Manager called Adrian, he will present some ethical dilemmas around social media use. Can you help Adrian make the right decisions to ensure his team's practices are consistent with social work ethics and values?

Based on the issues raised by Adrian, you are encouraged to reflect on your decisions and consider the potential impact these may have on your day-to-day social work practises in relation to social media use.

Student Role

Activities and discussion about the student role in a placement setting. From Mark Doel's 2010 book, 'Social Work Placements: A Traveller's Guide'. Especially useful for students starting their placements/ practice learning opportunities. 

Student boundaries

A short questionnaire for students to help them think about their role in an agency and how this differs and overlaps with that of employees. From Mark Doel's 2010 'Social Work Placements: A Traveller's Guide', Routledge. A good induction resource.