The Practice Pyramid: A model for integrating social work values, theory and practice

The Practice Pyramid is a learning tool that supports social work students' ability to integrate their understanding of personal and professional values, theory and practice during field placements. Although it has been used by practice educators in Scotland for over 20 years, it is not well known elsewhere and has yet to be evaluated. This paper, written by a practice educator and a student social worker, describes the Practice Pyramid and provides a case example to illustrate how it contributed to one student's learning during a practice placement.

ALPS Assessment Tools

ALPS is the Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings, Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

This is a suite of generic assessment tools for use in practice. The formative assessment tools were mapped to three identified Common Competences; Communication, Team Working and Ethical Practice.

‘An Active Conversation Each Week in Supervision’: Practice Educator Experiences of the Professional Capabilities Framework and Holistic Assessment

Since the academic year 2013-14 within England, Practice Educators (PEs) have been required to assess social work students during field placements using the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) and according to the principles of holistic assessment. Whilst the adoption of the PCF as part of the national change agenda is currently being scrutinised and debated, there has been little research or analysis regarding the practice assessment of social work students on placement and, in particular, the views and experiences of PEs charged with this responsibility.