
Social Work Practice Placements book, published by Sage, will help to develop student's critical thinking, analytic and reflective skills as they progress through their placements. It will help them build a successful practice portfolio and understand exactly how they fit into the myriad of other professionals and services that make up day to day reality of practice. Crucially, the book also features chapter on developing these skills into the workplace. Uniquely, it argues that becoming a competent and thriving social worker is dependent on success in the placement.

The book is intended to be interactive - using case studies, activities, reflection points, commentaries and research summaries. It considers the dilemmas, tensions, uncertainties and emotional challenges encountered by students while undertaking a practice placement, and explores the role of critical engagement by students during the practice placement learning processes by posing questions aimed at challenging thinking and reflection about decision making, emotional resilience and the human elements involved in the practice of social work.

Note: Although this book was written for a primary English audience and is aligned with the Professional Capabilities Framework, the assessed and supported year in employment (AYSE) etc., there is a lot of useful material for practice learning generally. 


  • Preparation for your social work placement
  • Understanding your placement through an organisational journey
  • Embedding critical placement learning
  • Preparing for and using supervision
  • Completing your portfolio
  • Moving on - NQSW, ASYE and all that...

ISBN 9781473902244

Publication Year