As you may be aware, we have been developing the introduction to link work programme, and have plans to develop it further. One of our goals is to ensure the programme is needs-led, that is, based on the need for placements, which will, in the long-term, enable us to contribute to both qualitative placement experiences and workforce planning more meaningfully.
Whilst these developments are ongoing, we will be utilising a ‘selection’ process of sorts, which will allow us to ensure those who have upcoming placements have access to the programme whilst we undertake some of the longer-term developments. Essentially, we will provide sessions around upcoming placements and prioritise colleagues who will be undertaking the role as link worker.
As such, we are asking that you complete a short survey where you can formally express interest in our link work training programme. After you have submitted your response, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding!